What to ask your Brand Designer

Where to start…

So you’re thinking about reaching out to a brand designer for the first time, but you’re wondering where the heck to start. I’ve got you. Keep in mind, every designer works differently, but there are a few things you should be able to ask as a client.

First of all, research your designer. They should have some work on display on their social media accounts and on their website. Before you take a consult to discuss your project, make sure you like the style that designer uses. Most designers have a style, even if it’s subtle. If you can’t envision your brand in that designer’s style, it’s probably not a great fit for the both of you.

Ask your designer for a consult - while many designers offer this, it isn’t a given. Ask your designer for a short consult so you can communicate your brand, and get a feel for how the designer works. For me, this processes helps me notice any red flags in the project as a designer, and allows me to communicate my process to the client. How to phrase this if your designer doesn’t offer consults: “could we chat about this project before signing a contract and getting started?”

Ask for a proposal or list of deliverables. I’ve had conversations with friends and family who are working with a designer and they honestly have no idea what they will receive at the end of their project. A full brand design should include a few logo variations in vector formats, font and color guides, and a short guide on how these things are used. If you’re just getting a logo designed, your project should reflect that. How to phrase this: “Could I get a clarification of what will be delivered at the end of our project?”

DON’T ask for a discount. If you’re looking to spend less on your project, cut the deliverables, the demands of the project, or look for another designer. Good, Fast, Cheap: you can never have all three. If you need to do the project at a lower cost, phrase as this: “My budget for this project is $xxx, would you considered adjusting the deliverables to fit my budget?”

DON’T ask your designer to copy another logo/brand. This is bad for business in general - why would you want your brand or logo to closely reflect a brand that is already in business? You should be vying for something unique and eye catching for your brand, not something that already exists. How to phrase this: “I am obsessed with xxx brand. Can we match that vibe?”

I’d love to hear what else you’re curious about when it comes to brand design. Comment below the question you’re dying to ask a brand designer.


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I’m Brenna - and I can’t wait to chat with you about all things business and rural life. Thanks for reading!

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Branding + Creative Services for small businesses in Rural America.


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