5 Spooky Website Stats
What’s scarier than a 404 error for potential customers trying to use your website?
In this day in age, not much - 47% of consumers expect a webpage to load in 2 seconds or less. If it doesn’t, they give up. Whether it is long load times, scary design tactics, or a ghost town of a website, consumers will tuck their tails and try another method.
Here’s 5 spooky website stats and how to turn them around on your website.
50% of sales are lost because visitors can’t find the content they are looking for.
That is a huge loss, here’s how to prevent it. Use clear navigation at the top of your homepage - this allows users to scan the top of the page and determine what content they are looking for. Use clear calls to action in your top buttons - where do you want customers to make the sales conversation - use that button in the header or sub header of your homepage to lead customers on a journey.
It takes consumers .05 seconds to form an opinion about your website.
Make sure you are using that time wisely! fast load times, clean and engaging design, and a clear customer journey through your website make great fist impressions. The easier it is to navigate your site while still retaining design standards will keep the attention of visitors.
A consumers first impression of a website is 94% design related.
In fact, 74% of credibility in a brand is based on the site’s overall design! People want to enjoy what they are looking at, so if your site is clearly outdated in terms of design, visitors will bounce faster. Poor design can convey that you’re out of business, aren’t credible or reliable, or can’t perform. None of these may be true, but a poor website will spread that message to potential customers.
The right colors increase brand recognition by 80%.
Related to design - a site that follows your brand standards will increase brand recognition, in turn creating more sales. Customers want to shop online the way they do in stores, and your brand should convey even through a computer screen. Don’t disregard your brand standards while building your website.
A site that takes 6 seconds to load results in 50% loss in conversion.
Keep your site moving fast by optimizing photos, keeping links simple, and coding basic. Large photos or videos on a website can cause your site to load slower - optimize photos with a photo optimizer to keep your photos crisp but file size small. Be clear on what you are linking on your website and where, many links to outside websites can cause clutter and slow load times.
Having a website not converting to sales is scary, but there are easy fixes! In 2023 53% of consumers are shopping online by direct traffic - this means brand awareness in marketing strategies is extremely important. Like we said in point 4, don’t disregard your brand standards, consider the experience you want customers to have in a brick and mortar, then shift that idea to your website.
It’s nearly time for trick or treating season - so what is your website looking like this fall? A trick, or a big ol treat?👻
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I’m Brenna - and I can’t wait to chat with you about all things business and rural life. Thanks for reading!
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