Steps to Identifying Your Ideal Clients

Woah! Don’t stop reading just yet! You see the title and you think “ideal client? I just need/want clients.” You may think it is in your best interest to work with everyone you possibly can. But it’s not. In this blog post, we will discuss the best way to identify your ideal clients. But first, why not work with everyone?

Here’s Why:

  1. If you have an ideal client, your efforts are all put into a specific niche, not divided between things that you may or may not be great at or are uninterested in.

  2. If your service naturally aligns with their vision, your work will flow easier and more organically.

  3. If you serve the people you WANT to serve, your brand speaks for you. It’s already been tailored and has examples to draw in more “ideal clients”.

Now that we’ve covered the reasons why we don’t need to work with everyone, let’s take a look at how we go about finding your ideal clients.

Do you have to limit yourself to working with your ideal client? The short answer is no. You don’t. In the long run though, it’s in your best interest. Likely, you will get more out of your business by working with people who are more closely in line with the specific strengths and expertise that you offer through your business. It may take time, and you may end up turning down some potential business, but working with your ideal client will give a whole new meaning to the phrase “living the dream.”


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I’m Brenna - and I can’t wait to chat with you about all things business and rural life. Thanks for reading!

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