Brand Your Squarespace Website FAST
Brand recognition increases customer retention and increases sales. A big way to create brand recognition? A consistent brand.
If your brand isn’t translating from print and packing materials, to social media and you’re website, it’s time to make some changes. Here are a few ways you can brand your Squarespace website FAST!
1 | Set your brand colors
Customers are more likely to recognize your brand when you are using consistent colors. What is great about Squarespace, is once you set your website palette, you can stay on brand while changing background, font, stroke, and graphics colors easily.
Step 1: Click the Site Styles icon in the top right corner of your
Step 2: Select Colors
Step 3: Add your brand colors provided by your designer or your chosen palette.
Step 4: Analyze the Themes which have been auto-generated and assure they are up to your standards.
2 | Customize your website fonts
In the same Site Style section, you can select the fonts displayed on your site. You can change the font options and search for your brand fonts. If your brand font is not available, choose something similar (serif for serif). Again, Squarespace has some recommended font options and pairings if you cannot find your brand font or do not have one assigned.
Pro-Tip: You can use CSS code to add your custom brand font to your website. LEARN HOW
3 | Add your logo
In the heading of your site, you can upload your logo to the top of your website. You should be using your logo in the footer of your site as well, and any other page you find fit. This is where multiple variations of your logo can become an asset and provide you with a well-rounded look.
Step 1: In the heading part of your website, hover and click ‘Edit Site’
Step 2: Add your logo as a .png (with transparent background) in the site title & logo area.
Trust us on this next tip, your logo probably does not need to be bigger.
4 | Speak in your brand voice
The style of writing and the words your website copy will convey should reflect your brand. For instance, if your brand is refined and long-standing, you probably won’t be using pop culture references from the Real Housewives, but if you are a Gen Z social media manager, you just might us it!
Pro-Tip Read your website copy out lout after writing. Your brand voice is probably an extension of you, and if you have troubles reading it or stumble, your customers probably will too!
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Hi, Friend! I’m Brenna - and I can’t wait to chat with you about all things business and rural life. Thanks for reading!
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