3 Signs It’s Time to Hire a Brand Designer.

Is it Time to Hire a Brand Designer?

It’s hard to know when to invest in your business when you are bootstrapping this baby from the beginning. However, if you're feeling a little stuck in business or left wanting more, it’s probably time you hear this. You are ready for the next jump, and you deserve to invest in yourself and your business.

Here are three signs you’re ready to hire a brand designer:

You only have a single logo, and you’re not really in love with it.

When you’re cash-flowing your business, it makes sense to start with a DIY logo option or something cost-effective. After a few years of business or more traffic, it is probably time to invest in a brand that can grow with your business and stand the test of time.

A well-rounded brand identity should include a few different logo options for different applications and uses. Hiring a brand designer can take you from a single bland logo, to a system that wows!


You don't have consistent visuals (fonts, logos, colors, graphics)

You’ve heard me say it before, a brand is so much more than a logo. Using consistent fonts and colors will increase brand recognition, and customer retention. I know it seems silly, who really cares about fonts and colors? But you’ve got to trust me on this one. You wouldn't be purchasing from Nike if they used a different logo each week or changed up their messaging every time. You’re committed to the ‘Just Do It’ tagline and the swoosh, give your customers something to commit to as well.

Hiring a brand designer who can create an entire brand identity for you to lean on will  make those marketing and purchasing decisions easier.


Business is feeling lackluster

Maybe your revenue isn't what it used to be, or things are just feeling a little to willy nilly, having a strategic brand will make a difference in your business.

Having the strategy behind attracting your ideal clients, standing out from the competition, and creating a brand to last the test of time will clear up so much indecision about business.

I’m not saying hiring a brand designer will solve every problem in your business, but I am saying a strategic brand designer will clear up a lot of issues! Think of strategic brand design like a roadmap - you know the destination and a designer can give you the map, but the journey is all yours.


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I’m Brenna - and I can’t wait to chat with you about all things business and rural life. Thanks for reading!

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