5 Reasons You Need a Website in 2022
5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Website
For many small businesses, getting a website was once seen as an option or a luxury. However, that is no longer the case. In today's fast-changing world, having a website for your business is essential. We'll give you five reasons why you need a website and show you how to get one up and running quickly.
Reason 1 – Customers Expect It
A website is the first thing a customer looks for when they're ready to buy your products or services. According to a survey conducted by HubSpot, 83% of people who are interested in buying from your business will research you online before making the purchase—and if you don't have a website, that means they won't see any information about your company or its products. This can mean fewer sales for you!
Plus, keeping customers informed with regular updates about new products and promotions is another way to boost sales through word-of-mouth marketing (which brings us to our next point).
Reason 2 – You Can Showcase Your Expertise
Showcase your expertise.
Showcase your products or services.
Showcase the people behind the business, like employees and partners.
Showcase your mission and values — what makes your business special? What is its impact on the community?
Showcase your culture — what does it feel like to work at this company? How do employees collaborate within teams, departments and offices around the world? Maybe you even have a culture blog where you share stories from inside those walls! If a potential customer doesn't know about these things before they meet with you in person, there's no way for them to figure it out afterwards (aside from calling everyone who works there).
Reason 3 – A Website is Always Open for Business
You can't be in two places at once. But with a website, you can be.
Customers can now access your business 24/7, not just during business hours. And if they want to place a quick order or check out your latest deals and promotions, they'll find it easy to do so because the site is always open for business!
You don't need to worry about being available when they want or do not want – you have all day and night to handle their requests; that’s what makes having a website so convenient. You don't have any time constraints as you would with traditional brick-and-mortar stores where customers show up only during certain times of day (or year).
Reason 4 – A Website Will Save You Time
Having a website will save you time in many ways. These include:
Saving time on basic tasks, such as emailing and ordering products or services. If your business operates online, then having an easy-to-use system of order forms and user accounts is essential. You can also save time by having a secure way to accept payments online.
Saving time on marketing – if you have a website, it will be easier for your customers to find out about your business and what you offer than if they had to search for information about you elsewhere online or in print (such as on Yellow Pages). This means that instead of spending hours researching products or services when they want them from local businesses with websites like yours, they'll already know where those things are available!
Saving customer service costs by enabling staff members who work remotely from each other (or even just live at different addresses) the ability to communicate quickly via text messages instead of phone calls - saving both parties money! This is especially useful during busy periods when there may not be enough time between shifts/breaks etcetera needed for everyone involved in conversations with one another face-to-face so much less hassle overall means less stress too...
Reason 5 – Your Competition Is Doing It
You will be surprised at how many businesses don’t have a website. You need one because your competitors are doing it, too!
You are probably thinking: “But what if they have a bad website? I don't want mine to look like theirs!” Well, you should feel free to make yours better than theirs by hiring someone who knows what they're doing and can do a better job for you.
In the past, a website was seen as an option for businesses, but times have changed.
You may have heard the old saying, “if you build it, they will come.” In the past, this was a good way to think about building a website for your business. If you created an online presence with your product or service and were able to get traffic through search engines such as Google, then sales would follow. This is no longer true today!
In 2018, 90% of people turn to the internet when searching for local businesses that meet their needs and wants. Since so many people use search engines to find what they want or need (and this trend is only increasing), it makes sense that your company would want its own website so that customers can find you easily online instead of somewhere else like Yelp or Facebook.
A well-designed website allows potential customers to learn more about what sets you apart from other companies in your industry—why should they choose yours over another? Websites also allow businesses who already have established brands/reputations on social media sites like Twitter or Instagram; however these platforms don't always show everything about an organization's background--something which can be done easily by creating one central hub where all pertinent information has been compiled into one place."
As a small business owner, it can be hard to step back and look at your business from a customer's perspective. However, it is important to take this step in order to better understand the needs of your customers. Your company website will help you do just that. Not only will it help you reach your primary target audience, but it will also help you reach new markets. By understanding what your customers need and providing them with helpful information about your products or services online, you can help them make better decisions about their purchases. Remember that not everyone has time to visit your store during regular working hours so being able to provide them with the information they need online will ensure that they come back time again for more good experiences.
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I’m Brenna - and I can’t wait to chat with you about all things business and rural life. Thanks for reading!
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